
Where does health care reform stand?

By: cnn.comPosted On: 03/18/2010 10:42 A

The House is expected to vote this weekend on the health care bill passed by the Senate in December.

Republicans have vowed to do everything they can to kill the bill.

Here's the latest on where the debate stands:

The price tag: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Democrats' revised health care bill will cost $940 billion over the next 10 years, a House Democratic source told CNN on Thursday. The bill cuts the deficit by $130 billion during that period of time, according to the source.

No vote until Sunday?: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said that Democrats will stick to their promise of posting the bill 72 hours before a vote, which would push the vote to Sunday at the earliest.

Republican reaction: GOP leaders said the new CBO estimates had not changed their opinion of the bill, which they vehemently oppose.

"Republicans in the House and Senate have worked closely together over the last year. And we're going to continue to work closely together and to do everything that we can to do to make sure that this bill never, ever, ever passes," House Minority Leader John Boehner said.

Chasing votes: The Democratic leadership is trying to get the 216 votes needed to get the bill passed. No Republicans have said they will vote for the bill. According to an ongoing CNN analysis, 27 of 253 House Democrats, including nine who supported the House plan in November, have said they would oppose the Senate plan, and nine say they would vote no but might reconsider if their concerns are addressed.

Of the remaining Democrats, 34 are undecided and 29 have declined to respond or state a position after numerous inquiries from CNN.

See how Democrats plan to vote

Reaction to key liberal's vote switch: Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a high-profile liberal Democrat who had said he wouldn't vote for the Senate bill, switched his position and announced his intention to vote for the plan.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she thought Kucinich's switch would make a difference with a large number of liberal activists. "He's been a supporter of health care for all Americans for a long time," she said. "He has a constituency, and many of those people still don't understand why there isn't a public [option]."

See why Kucinich switched Video

Another switch?: Freshman Rep. John Boccieri, an Ohio Democrat, told CNN's "American Morning" on Thursday that he'd be watching for the CBO estimate before deciding on how to vote.

Boccieri voted against the House bill passed last year and said he is wrestling with the quandary of "voting for an imperfect bill or doing nothing."

He said he is encouraged by the Senate bill because it reduces deficits by significant amounts.

"I'm encouraged by that. But there needs to be changes. The Senate version -- there's no way Ohio should have to pay for Nebraska. I want those deals out," he said, referring to a much-maligned deal in the Senate's bill which exempted Nebraska from the costs of expanded Medicaid coverage in order to win the vote of Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson.

End run?: Democrats have floated the idea of voting on a resolution that would simply "deem" the bill passed, to allow unhappy House members to avoid a direct vote on the Senate bill. The House then would proceed to a separate vote on the more popular changes to the Senate bill.

Boehner said Thursday that Democrats have tried "every kind of scheme known to man to try to get it through the Congress without a vote."

The minority party is introducing a resolution to force an up-or-down vote on the Senate bill and would call for at least an hour of debate before the vote.

Despite Republicans' criticism, both parties have used the the "deem and pass" approach when they controlled Congress.

No thanks: Idaho on Wednesday became the first state to pass a law saying "no thanks" to part of the health care proposal.

The Idaho Health Care Freedom Act says, in part, "every person within the state of Idaho is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty."

The governor of Virginia is expected to sign a bill passed in his state last week, and according to American Legislative Exchange Council, similar proposals have made it through one chamber of the legislatures in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. While such bills have recently failed in six states, 22 additional states have seen proposals introduced.

What happens next?: If Democrats keep their pledge of posting the bill 72 hours before a vote, the House would take up the Senate bill Sunday at the earliest. It would immediately follow up with another vote on a package of changes designed in part to make the overall legislation more acceptable to House Democrats.

The Senate would vote to approve those changes by a simple majority vote, and the original bill would go directly to Obama for him to sign into law.

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