
Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

By: foxnews.comPosted On: 05/10/2010 12:13 P

President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court on Monday, choosing a candidate with no judicial experience but a reputation as a consensus-builder to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.

Let the examination begin.

Senators pledged to scrutinize Solicitor General Elena Kagan in the weeks ahead after President Obama on Monday nominated her to the Supreme Court, choosing a candidate with no judicial experience but a reputation as a consensus-builder to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.

Calling Kagan a "trailblazing leader," the president praised her as a "superb" solicitor general and a "beloved" former dean of Harvard Law School. He acknowledged her background in academia but said her experience and passion for the law are not confined to campus.

"Elena is widely regarded as one of the nation's foremost legal minds," Obama said, calling for the Senate to act in a swift and bipartisan fashion.

The selection of Kagan reflects the president's desire to nominate someone who has already been vetted and confirmed by the current Senate. Kagan earned modest Republican support when she was confirmed by a vote of 61-31 last year for solicitor general.

Kagan, calling it a "special honor" to be nominated to fill Stevens' seat, said Monday that she looked forward to working with the Senate in the weeks ahead. She described her term as solicitor general as "the most thrilling and the most humbling task a lawyer can perform."

She is known as sharp and politically savvy. At 50 years old, Kagan would be the youngest justice on the high court, giving her an opportunity to extend Obama's legacy beyond his administration.

Though her nomination signals that Obama is looking to avoid a protracted fight with the Senate over her confirmation, some groups and lawmakers have raised concerns about Kagan's history.

One trouble spot will likely be her lack of a paper trail -- Kagan has never judged a case in her life. This could shorten the amount of time the Senate Judiciary Committee takes to review her record in advance, but lead to heavy questioning at the hearing.

"Given that Ms. Kagan does not have a judicial record, it will be especially important for senators to inquire as to her views on the Constitution and the role of the court," Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said in a written statement.

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