
E3 2010: Killzone 3 Hands-on

By: ign.comPosted On: 05/24/2010 11:09 A

There are no pre-renders, no elaborate unplayable cut-scenes and no false promises; Killzone 3's reveal is pure and simple – an extended hands-on with the fourth level of a game that we're thrilled to report is full of awesome. In a cinema a few hundred yards from Guerrilla's studio in an Amsterdam that is, thanks to an ongoing strike from the city's refuse services, looking as grimy and hostile as the surface of Helghan itself, we're given the first look at a game that's going to get PS3 owners frothing all over again.

There's much that is familiar from the outset; picking up from the cliff-hanger ending of Killzone 2, Sev, Rico and the rest of the ISA forces – severely diminished by the climactic nuke - battle with a Helghan army that finds itself in the throes of a power struggle. "It's David vs. Goliath," explains Guerrilla's Herman Hulst, "but this time Goliath has bought a thousand troops and a thermonuclear arsenal."

From a distance, Killzone 3 looks familiar too; development began just as Killzone 2 shipped and naturally it uses the same engine as that game. Not that that's a bad thing: Killzone 2 is still to this day one of the prettiest shooters, with the only game that's likely to threaten its mantle the imminent Crysis 2. But it's not the likes of Crytek, Treyarch or DICE that Guerrilla is pitting itself against; instead, it sees its competition much closer to home. "Of course, some little games came out just after us," says Hulst, referring to the critical successes of Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2 and God of War III. "As proud as we are of our friends at Worldwide Studios, these games inspired us to step it up and deliver a full-blown sequel to Killzone 2, and one that gets better on every front. There's nothing like some friendly competition to get us to raise the bar once again."

"They both did a fantastic job," agrees Senior Producer Steven Ter Heide. "Uncharted 2 obviously did great things with storytelling and God of War III did great things with scale. It's all stuff that we take on board – obviously we're a different kind of game and it's going to be a different experience, but we look at what they do and see how we can implement those kinds of thing. They've pushed us to work harder."

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