
BP nears decision on 'top kill' procedure

By: cnn.comPosted On: 05/26/2010 12:22 P

BP's top official said the oil company will make a decision later Wednesday on whether to proceed with a "top kill" procedure designed to contain oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.

BP Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward told CNN that a determination will be made after testing is complete.

"So far, it's looking OK," he said. "But we haven't got all the data we need."

Top kill has worked successfully on above-ground oil wells in the Middle East but has never been tested 5,000 feet underwater.

Hayward has given the "top kill" maneuver a 60 percent to 70 percent chance of success.

From angry residents of the Gulf Coast to frustrated lawmakers in Washington, many pinned hopes that with the top kill, BP finally would be able to stop the oil leak. Otherwise, they said, it was time for the government to take charge.

"If the thing is not fixed today, the president doesn't have a choice, and he better go in and completely take over, perhaps with the military in charge," said Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Florida.

Nelson announced Wednesday that he is filing legislation requiring federal oil industry regulators to wait at least two years after leaving government service before going to work for companies they helped regulate.

Grand Isle, Louisiana, Mayor David Camardelle said patience was wearing thin.

"I want the president to step in and make things happen," he said. "We've been frustrated for the last 37 days, and we're trying to get things moving the right way and our people can't wait."

President Obama is planning to visit the Gulf Coast on Friday to review oil response efforts.

If BP decides to proceed with the top kill procedure, it will pump 50,000 pounds of thick, viscous fluid twice the density of water into the site of the leak to stop the oil flow. If all goes according to plan, the well then can be sealed shut with cement.

Through the early-morning hours Wednesday, BP put equipment into place. A team of experts will examine conditions inside the five-story blowout preventer to determine how much pressure the injected mud will have to overcome.

The company then will perform diagnostic tests to determine whether the procedure can proceed.

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