
'Madden 11' introduces online scouting

By: espn.comPosted On: 06/04/2010 12:09 P

I like to throw the curl route on first down in "Madden." Prefer to throw it to the receiver on the right side of the screen. I have the timing down so perfect in my head that I can usually do it without looking. Eight yards to open the drive.

As John Madden used to say, "Boom!"

And it's funny -- I know my tendencies and a couple of my best friends know what I've been up to for years, but when I go online and play random people, that curl route is still always open.

But not for long.

With "Madden NFL 11," EA Sports is tracking your every play in order to deliver scouting reports to your online opponents. So now, whether I'm playing against a "Madden" vet in Sacramento or a newbie in Denver, all they need to do is order up my report and they'll know my tendencies as well as the people I've been playing "Madden" against since high school.

"Online scouting tracks all of your play calling and what you like to do in different situations," producer Donny Moore says. "We're tracking every online game that you play: online ranked, unranked and 'Madden Ultimate Team' head-to-head."

And according to Moore, there are 10 situations the game is tracking: first down, second down and long, second down and medium, second down and short, third down and long, third down and medium, third down and short, fourth down, goal line, and red zone.

"On defense, the first thing you're going to unlock is the run/pass percentage of your opponent. The next thing you're going to unlock is the field location," Moore says. "Where on the field does your opponent target in this given situation. If it's a run, it's broken down into three zones: right, middle and left. If it's a pass, it's broken down into more zones: right, middle and left, and then also short, medium and deep."

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