
No oil leaking as BP begins critical pressure tests in Gulf oil well

By: cnn.comPosted On: 07/15/2010 5:29 P

A highly anticipated test designed to measure pressure within BP's ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well began Thursday after a delay caused by leaking equipment.

A short time later, BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells announced that for the first time in months, no oil was flowing into the Gulf. This was part of the test, as BP measures pressure in the well to see how it's holding. Higher pressure readings mean the well is containing the oil, while lower pressure means some is leaking out.

At the moment, it is "too soon" to conclude results because "this is a test," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said. BP will formally review data from the test with government officials every six hours, Suttles said, so a key time will occur later Thursday night.

President Obama also expressed guarded optimism over the halt of the oil flow, calling it "a positive sign."

"We're still in the testing phase," he noted. "I'll have more to say about it tomorrow."

The "well integrity" test could end after six hours if the results are disappointing. But it could go on for 48 hours. The longer it goes, the better indications are that the well is holding with a custom-made sealing cap.

BP cautioned that the oil cutoff, while welcomed, won't go beyond the 48 hours. Valves will open after that to resume siphoning oil to two ships on the surface, the Q4000 and Helix Producer, as government and BP officials assess the data and decide what to do next.

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