
911 calls convey terror of Connecticut shootings

By: cnn.comPosted On: 08/05/2010 1:35 P

Frantic 911 calls placed Tuesday from a business in Manchester, Connecticut, vividly capture dispatchers' efforts to calm employees, including a crying woman in a storage closet, during a shooting spree that left nine dead, including the shooter.

The recordings were released Wednesday by police, who are investigating the shootings at a beverage distributor by employee Omar Thornton, 34, who had just signed a letter of resignation over a theft allegation. The following information has been edited and times are approximate. Not all calls are included.

7:26 a.m.: Someone from Hartford Distributors calls 911. "Hurry up, please," he says.

7:27 a.m.: Another man: "His name is Omar. Hurry, please ... He's killing [expletive] people. ... He's going back in the building now."

7:28 a.m.: Caller: "I guess you are on the way. We have at least five people down at Hartford Distributors."

7:28 a.m.: Steve Hollander, company vice president, calls and describes the suspect. Hollander was grazed by a bullet and released from the hospital.

Caller: I need the cops here at Hartford Distributors right away. Shooting.

911: What's going on? Who got shot?

Caller: Somebody got shot. I got shot.

911: I need some information, sir.

Caller: We need the cops. Omar Thornton is shooting people. I just got shot.

911: OK, I need to know what his name is.

Caller: His name is Omar Thornton, he is a black guy. Get the cops here right away, please.

911: Sir, stay on the line with me.

Caller: I'm bleeding all over the place.

911: OK, how many people got shot?

Caller: I don't know.

911: OK, you don't know. And you are shot where?

Caller: In my head.

911: You are shot in the head?

Caller: Yeah.

911: And what's your name?

Caller: My name is Steve Hollander.

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