
Styles P Taught Me How To Be Healthy

By: xxlmag.comPosted On: 04/03/2013 7:03 P

Yesterday, Styles P and Scram Jones stopped by the XXL headquarters to chop it up with the staff about their upcoming album Float, which will be released April 16th through Nature Sounds and High Times Records. Much more important though, is that I’ve been fighting a cold the past two weeks, and I was kind of  hoping Paniro, owner of Juices For Life and an overall health connoisseur, could tell me how to get better. Check back next week to get the scoop on Float and Styles’ favorite weed strands, but until then, get your life together and take in the Ghost’s nutritional words of wisdom.

Have you always been health conscious?

Nah, I would say it’s probably been the past 10 years of my life. But I was always a patron of juice bars even before rap. I mean that’s how I got interested in the juice thing by just being a patron. And I had no interest in promoting health then, I was just doing it for myself. Then me and my friend just kept spreading the word and it became a part of a business.

Do you go to the juice bar everyday or do you juice at home?

I got the juice bar and I got a juicer in the crib. See even if you know about the juice bar, our motto to the customers has always been that you don’t have to come here to juice. You could come through once, get the formula, and never come back for all we care. As long as you’re spreading the message and the lifestyle of juicing, that’s really the main concern. Especially in the hip hop community cause the lifestyle we live…We smoke weed. We drink. We barely sleep. We work incredible amounts of hours. Juice, veggies and exercise are important thing to implement in your lifestyle.

What does your exercise routine entail?

Right now I’m just really on my bike and calisthenics. Pull ups, dips, push ups, a little bit of light weights. And 10 mile bike rides. I gotta try to step it up to 20 by next week. I just started back up my bike routine the other day so I’m back on it. Two summers ago I was on my bike everyday and I really incorporated it a lot into my routine. Then after the summer, I really didn’t and I put on more weight in the winter.  And I just realized I felt a lot better, energy wise, during the summer when I was on my bike everyday.

How many hours of sleep do you average?

I really try to get as much sleep as possible, but honestly I don’t get enough sleep.

I like juicing too but cleaning the juicer is such a pain in the ass that I don’t do it as much as I should…

The practice of cleaning the blender…You need to look at it as part of being on point and organized. If you look at it like that it’ll work. I used to always feel like that. I used to fucking hate cleaning that shit after but eventually it just becomes a routine. You gotta do it. It’ like the close out set. There are juicers to get that are easier to clean. You gotta go juicer shopping you you’d go check out a bunch of gyms. Jack LeLanne’s good for quick, but it’s not stainless steel so it stains over a matter of time. But for $100 it’s good. It cleans quick. The Breville’s a good one but it’s hard to clean cause it’s big and clunky.

What is the ultimate blend?

I don’t know. Different strokes for different folks, you know what I’m saying? You know, you might have blood problems or eye problems. You might want to gain weight or lose weight. There’s something for all of that, you know what I mean? 

What’s the overall health philosophy?

You just need to find balance in everything in life. At the end of the day I feel like if I did some bad shit then let me do some good shit. If I did some good shit then let me do some great shit. I know a lot of dudes who don’t eat veggies and don’t eat fruits. They only eat fast food and don’t even eat home cooked meals. So I feel like at least I can say something and spread the word and let them know.

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