
Senator Marco Rubio Demands President's Explanation Of Jay-Z & Beyonce's Cuba Trip

By: hiphopdx.comPosted On: 04/09/2013 1:01 P

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the latest Republican legislator unsatisfied with the lack of explanation given for Jay-Z and Beyonce's Cuban excursion.

While new developments have led media to believe that Jay-Z and Beyonce's fifth wedding anniversary vacation to Havana, Cuba was sanctioned and licensed through the United States Treasury Department, some lawmakers still are not satisfied.

The Miami Herald published the statement made by the Republican Junior State Senator from Florida. Rubio, who is a Cuban American, wrote the following:

"U.S. law clearly bans tourism to Cuba by American citizens because it provides money to a cruel, repressive and murderous regime.  Since their inception, the Obama Administration's 'people to people' cultural exchange programs have been abused by tourists who have no interest in the Cuban people's freedom and either don't realize or don't care that they're essentially funding the regime's systematic trampling of people's human rights.

According to recent news reports, Jay-Z and Beyonce's Cuba trip, which the regime seized on for propaganda purposes, was fully licensed by the Treasury Department.  If true, the Obama Administration should explain exactly how trips like these comply with U.S. law and regulations governing travel to Cuba and it should disclose how many more of these trips they have licensed."

In the last five days, two Florida Representatives from Congress also publicly demanded more information on the trip. Jay-Z, Beyonce, who are both longtime public supporters of President Obama, have yet to release a statement. President Obama, to date, has not spoken on the subject.

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