Questlove once said it was his "fantasy to play a dead body" on "Law & Order: SVU." That fantasy has reportedly come true.
Questlove is set to appear on an upcoming episode of Law & Order: SVU, according to Rolling Stone.
On February 21, Ice-T posted an image of Questlove laying on a coroner's table. "SVU Behind The Scenes," Ice-T said in the Tweet. "This corpse looks strangely familiar..."
The Law & Order appearance is one that Questlove has discussed in the past. In November 2013, Questlove spoke about a wish to be a part of the show during an interview with Us Weekly. "It's my fantasy to play a dead body on Law & Order," Questlove said at the time in a piece titled "Questlove: 25 Things You Don't Know About me."
This week, Questlove and The Roots kicked off their first week of work on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Yesterday (February 22), The Roots performed the fifth edition of "History Of Rap" with Fallon and Justin Timberlake.